注:1. 如需带卡套及卡套螺母整套订货,则请在代号后加“RN”,如1C9-30RN。
2. 以上代号均为碳钢接头,若想订购不锈钢接头,请在代号前面加上“S”,若想订购铜接头,请在代号后面加上
“BR”。如S1C9-12表示材质为不锈钢, 1C9-12-BR表示材质为铜
Note: 1. In case if you are interested to order the adapter in completeset with cutting ring and nut ,it is necessary to insert suffix“RN” after our part NO.for example 1C9-30RN.
2. All the part No. above are in carbon steel. If ordering stainless steel adaptor, please prefix “S”.And suffix “BR” for ordering brass adaptor. For example: S1C9-12 means stainless steel adaptor.
1C9-12-BR means brass adaptor.